Visit these websites for further resources and support information.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Autism Speaks Be sure to view their various "Tool Kits" on topics ranging from potty training and sleep to transition and employment. Click here if you don't know where to start.
ASD-Parent-Guide-2017-web from OCALI Center
ASD defined and it's effects on sleep from
Academic Accommodation Resources
National Center for Learning Disabilities
CDC Autism Links and Resources
Center for Parent Information & Resources / Resource Library
Reduce the Noise: Help Loved Ones with Sensory Overload Enjoy Shopping
Sensational Development Private Practice Providing Pediatric & Adolescent Occupational Therapy Services
Resources for Military Families
Academic Accommodation Resources
Estate Planning for Parents of Special Needs Kids
Beyond BookSmart Executive Function Strategies for Success, empowers students to manage themselves effectively both in school and beyond by providing tools, strategies and mentoring that lead to a lifetime of success.
Exception Ally - Delivering extraordinary solutions to parents of children with special needs
Guide to Parenting Resources - 50 high-quality and informative parenting resources for children ages 0 to 18 that can help you become a better parent.
NDSS - The mission of the National Down Syndrome Society is to be the national advocate for the value, acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome - read more at
QSAC (Quality Services for the Autism Community, serving NYC and Long Island) Their Information for Parents section provides important information regarding Care Coordination Organizations (CCOs), updates about the NYS Autism Spectrum Disorders Advisory Board and other valuable information.
Meeting the Needs of the Ehlers-Danlos Child
Sleep E-Book
ADHD / Executive functioning
To watch a recording of this presentation, please click here.
Behind the Wheel with ADAD (Driving information)
Accommodations Help Students with Attention Deficit Disorders
Long Island Family Support Services Advisory Council Family Support Services Grant Programs The Grant List is comprised of agencies that provide Family Support Services to individuals eligible for OPWDD services who do not necessarily have Medicaid. It lists Non-Medicaid Service Coordinators. This is a comprehensive listing of all Family Support Grants in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Services are funded by the New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) through the local Long Island Office.
Long Island Developmental Disabilities Service Office
Nassau County Services to Special Needs Population
National PTA Special Education Toolkit
New Frontiers Executive Function Coaching
NICHCY - (National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities) ( Phone:1-800-695-0285
Operation Autism for Military Families - Breakthrough individualized education with 1-to-1 organizing techniques and tools to mentor high school and college students as well as adults.
OT Skills 4 LIFE fosters independence, functional skills, and self-reliance for all children. Each session is designed to improve a child’s life skills, academics, and play — while addressing all of your child’s occupational therapy needs. And during the session, your child will have opportunities to experience specifically selected materials and role-play scenarios.
FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE - Indispensable Websites for Parents of Children with Autism
DISABILITY SCOOP - The latest in disability news (
Printable Planner for Tweens With Executive Functioning Issues
15 nonprofit organizations have joined forces to support parents of the one in five children with learning and attention issues throughout their journey.
Choiceworks App - The Choiceworks app is an essential learning tool for helping children complete daily routines (morning, day, & night), understand & control their feelings and improve their waiting skills (taking turns and not interrupting).
Writing and Using Social Narratives in All Environments
Department of Education
NYSED - New York State special education department
NYSPTA Special Education Toolkit
Click here for a great resource from our GC District’s Speech and Language professionals.
SELF-DIRECTION, A PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR FAMILIES Self Determination Coalition has just launched a brand new Self-Direction in New York, A PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR FAMILIES, introduced at a presentation hosted by Resources for Children with Special Needs. Please visit their website for updated Steps to Transition to a Self-Determined Life, Updated FAQs, the film Self-Determined Lives, and, the Guide by the NYSELFD Advocacy Committee. Visit for details.
SWIFT SWIFT (Schoolwide Integrated Framework for Transformation) is a national K-8 center that provides academic and behavioral support to promote the learning and academic achievement of all students, including students with disabilities and those with the most extensive needs.
Temple Grandin's Teaching Tips
I AM DETERMINED - The I'm Determined project, a state directed project funded by the Virginia Department of Education, focuses on providing direct instruction, models, and opportunities to practice skills associated with self-determined behavior. This project facilitates youth, especially those with disabilities to undertake a measure of control in their lives, helping to set and steer the course rather than remaining the silent passenger.
Students with Disabilities Resulting from Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia
Nessy ( - At Nessy we are best known as advocates for children with dyslexia around the globe. But the Nessy programs are not only for dyslexia. Nessy is widely used for whole class, phonics, math, typing and early reading instruction. Nessy collaborates with some of the world's leading academics, and follows the Science of Reading, to ensure our programs are based upon proven research.
EVERYONE READING - Is a the leading resource for dyslexia and related learning disabilities. Everyone Reading instructs educators, tutors children and supports parents. They provide professional development, information, tools, support and research. Everyone Reading advances the lives of children and adults with dyslexia and related learning disabilities by providing the resources they need to learn to become successful readers, writers and spellers. Everyone Reading strives to lessen, and eventually eliminate, the stigma associated with dyslexia and LD. They work to demonstrate to the community that dyslexia and LD can affect anyone including people with average and above-average intelligence.
DYSLEXIE FONT - Dyslexie font is a typeface for people with dyslexia. After installation, you can use the font in all the software programs you know. You can also select the font for your internet browser, and it is completely free for individual users!
LONG ISLAND COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE (LICoP) We are a not-for-profit organization offering year-round inclusive educational, social and recreational programs to individuals with disabilities and their families on Long Island. These programs are offered free of charge and include sporting events, exercise, exposure to the arts, social gatherings and educational program supports.
LEARNING ALLY Learning Ally is a national not-for-profit organization that supports students and parents of students with a reading and learning disabilities by giving them access to an online library that provides audio books and text books. To become a member, please visit their website
MAGNUS CARDS - Collect step-by-step skill guides with Magnus and build a library for exploring the world with confidence and independence.
Best Practice in Occupational Therapy, How OTs Contribute to Student Success
Parent to Parent of NYS - Free Webinars these are a great way to get important information right from your home. Click here for the current list of Webinars.
POP.EARTH Short for Population Earth, Pop Earth is non-profit focused on providing holistic health treatments and options for those with special needs, including Autism & other developmental disorders. We are based on Long Island, New York and have partners all across the country.
PTS COACHING ADHD/Executive Functioning Education, Coaching, and Support for Parents, Students, and Teachers ADHD Expert Cindy Goldrich, Ed.M., ACAC Call: 516.802.0593 Website, - a resource for students, teachers and people who would like to improve their academic writing skills. The website consists of valuable guides, writing samples and ideas that help eager learners to develop. 120 000 visitors per month use these materials and get in touch with our experts to get some help with their academic assignments.
Reduce the Noise: Help Loved Ones with Sensory Overload Enjoy Shopping
Sensory Anxiety: Not Your Ordinary Anxiety
Supporting Students with Anxiety
At a Glance: Classroom Accommodations for Anxiety
Rethink aims to place evidence-based treatment solutions in the hands of every educator, clinician or parent working with a child with special needs. Rethink Autism provides educational treatment solutions for children with autism spectrum disorders, aspergers, and pdd-nos learning disabilities. Please visit their website,
Sesame Street Autism Initiative "See amazing in all children".
Articles for K-12 Educators (UTPB online)
Time Timer - Time Timer is an innovative visual timer designed to show the passage of time through the use of a patented red disk that disappears as time elapses. - Download Graphic Organizers to help kids with writing
ANGELSENSE AngelSense is the only GPS & voice monitoring solution designed exclusively for children with special needs.
Benefits of Exercise for Children with ADHD |
Birdhouse Birdhouse is an award winning app for parents, teachers and caregivers that gives you the tool to organize medicines, supplements, & therapies, and easily keep track of things like food, behaviors, moods, sleeping habits, & more.
Northwell Health Labs created LabFly, an innovative app that lets you easily schedule a blood draw for you or a loved one. Lab experts come to your home or office—all while wearing proper personal protective equipment—for maximum convenience, safety and privacy.
Is a Therapy Dog Right for Your Child with Autism [Complete Guide]
IF I NEED HELP Have your special person wear or carry the iD patch, pins, clips, iD cards, shoe tags, or other iD products. When lost, the code can be scanned by a smartphone/tablet or the number associated with the code can be entered manually into the home page of the If I Need Help site to access the caretakers contact information. Profiles can emailed and forwarded to searchers.
Comprehensive guide to mental health services for children and their families This user guide to children's mental health services on Long Island is a comprehensive guide to mental health services for children and their families. The guide provides information on the children's mental health system and on how to find the most appropriate services for a child.
Taking your child with Autism to the Orthodontist
Helping Prepare Autistic Girls for Their Periods
T.O.U.C.H. (Therapeutic Outreach Uniting Community Health) The Therapeutic Outreach Uniting Community Health (TOUCH) platform is the first ever pilot program of a New York State, statewide housing and employment database, that works directly with government agencies to identify and publicize housing and employment vacancies, directly to the person that will be the recipient of services. The TOUCH web-based platform will be free and accessible to everyone. People with intellectual and developmental disabilities, with the assistance of their support staff, families and friends, will be able to log on to a website and search all of the housing and employment opportunities available to them and subsequently, self-direct their services by referring themselves for these opportunities, provided they have successfully gone through OPWDD's Front Door. To learn more about this exciting program, click here. Registration on TOUCH began on April 15, 2015 at
CENTRAL NASSAU GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING SERVICES - Each year, an estimated 432,000 Long Island residents suffer from some form of mental health disorder. But many suffer in silence because most can't ask for help, especially those who need help the most. That's why it is so important for friends, families, and neighbors to be the voice of those who can't or won't seek help for themselves.
SMART 911 - The Nassau County Police Department has developed "Smart 911" which allows residents to create a free Safety Profile for themselves and family members that includes information they feel would be necessary for 9-1-1 to have in an emergency. Details, such as family members' names, photos, medical conditions, and allergies, along with emergency contacts, will be immediately available to 9-1-1 when a call is placed.
Uneepi is an Autism & Asperger's Dating Site. Uneepi is designed to support those on the autism spectrum that want to pursue relationships or friendships and better themselves.
WINTHROP UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NEW DOWN SYNDROME PROGRAM - The Winthrop Down Syndrome Program (WDSP) provides compassionate, comprehensive and coordinated care for children with Down syndrome. The uniqueness of the program is that the patient is able to see a variety of specialists during the initial visit at the Research and Academic Center of Winthrop University Hospital. The objective of the visit is to identify the age specific needs and address medical issues using a multidisciplinary team approach. Click here to read more about our new program!
Our mission is to help families, providers, and facilities obtain medically necessary treatments through health insurance. Envisioning a world where everyone gets the healthcare services that they need without a fight.
Creating a world where people with autistic spectrum and mental health conditions obtain the health care services that they need in order to maximize their potential. Visit for more information.
Home Remodeling Information
Home Modifications for Seniors and People With Disabilities
Special Action For Escape (S.A.F.E Personal Safety Programs, Alternate to traditional Self Defense programs for individuals of all abilities) For 16 yrs and up.
Technology Guide for People with Disabilities
AAC Toolkit of Engaging Implementation Ideas and Strategies
Smartphone App Gives Independent Travel to the Disabled
Great article! - 10 Tech Hacks for Struggling Readers10 Tech Hacks for Struggling Readers
TRAID (Technology Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities) Long Island is dedicated to the dissemination of information about assistive technology and providing opportunities for individuals to enhance their lives through accessible and affordable assistive technology.
Family Center on Technology and Disability
CAST: Center for Applied Special Technology
National Center for Technology Innovation
Note Taking Express -
Web Resources for Assistive Technology in the Classroom
Quality Indications for Assistive Technology
Augmentative Communication and Classroom Learning Considerations
Autism App Guild from Autism Speaks
Pictello - An easy way to create, playback and share visual stories and talking books.
Social-Emotional Apps for Special Ed | Edutopia
75 best apps for special education, special needs, speech and language, reading and writing, auditory processing disorder.
21 Chrome Extensions for Struggling Students and Special Needs
Handy Chart featuring over 30 iPad apps for Students with Special needs
APPS For Auditory Processing
What's the sound? By Different Roads to Learning
Touch the Sound. By Innovative mobile apps
Drums Challenge Charlie Morgan by Bulkypix
Auditory Workout By Virtual Speech Center Inc. Open iTunes to buy and download apps. Helps auditory comprehension and auditory processing students. This app has the ability to add background noise with a sliding volume lever.
ModMath App developed by Mod Math I.P., LLC - ModMath lets you write and solve equations with a piece of virtual graph paper, greatly improving speed and legibility.
Photomath - . Photomath is the #1 app to learn math, to take the frustration out of math and to bring more peace to your daily student life. Whether you are a mathlete or math challenged, Photomath will help you interpret problems with comprehensive math content from arithmetic to calculus to drive learning and understanding of fundamental math concepts.
Acoustic Pioneer (Feather Squadron App.)
Feather Squadron is an iPad app designed to measure a range of auditory processing abilities that are shown in the research literature (many studies) to be important for language, reading, and education. It was designed for children (from age 5) but is also normed and can be used for adults. After playing the short 5 minute screening or a more-in-depth test using a series of mini-games (which takes less than 30 minutes), the results of the assessment are automatically sent to your profile on this website where you are able to view in a professional report including recommendations.
Awesome Apps for Executive Functioning
Dragon Dictation - A free app for iPad or iPhone, easy-to-use voice recognition application that allows you to easily speak and instantly see your text or email messages. Five (5) times faster than typing on the keyboard!
iAnnotate - available at the app store, Light years ahead of the other PDF annotation apps, an indispensable tool to have! Go paperless and utilize one of the best apps for productivity available!
iStudiezPro - available at the app store, award winning app 2009-2010 - Best Young Adults and Best Parenting App for iPad! Best App Ever Award Winner in Education category!
CourseNotes - available at the app store, great for students - you can add your teachers and color code all of your notes. This app allows you to take notes during class while keeping them organized by subject or meeting. Review your notes later and search through multiple class meetings and notes all at once. You can also keep a To-Do list by marking notes as To-Do items, or track them as assignments with a due date.
Nudge-Reminders - quick note to remember something for tomorrow:(i.e. bring pens to school, take clothes to dry cleaner, bio test tomorrow, etc). You set it and until you shut it off it Nudges you. Play Attention is the global leader in educational, cognitive, and behavioral interventions for ADHD